The 62 Best Websites to Learn Musical Instruments!

Hey everyone! I’ve been researching different websites that teach you how to play musical instruments lately, and I even ended up using some of the guitar-related ones, and I noticed that it’s kind of hard to find actual good websites that provide online lessons.

Most of them are either extremely outdated or just lacking in general.

This is why I decided to write a couple posts related to this topic where I go into detail on every one of the sites that actually provide value.

I go into detail on the content they offer, how much of it is free, how much they charge for either the subscription or each separate course, if they are beginner only or also for intermediate and advanced players, etc.

This would be a roundup post where I list all the instrument-specific articles I already wrote, simply to make it easier for you to find!

So, let’s get straight into it!

P.S: I will be updating this list over time, so make sure to keep an eye on it!

Here is the list of posts about the best websites to learn to play musical instruments:

Bonus: Ear Training: List of the 10 best Ear training Websites/Software.

Why enroll in online courses?

I get this question a lot, and I even asked it myself right before signing up to GuitarTricks, and I think that the benefits of signing up to one of these sites completely outweigh the negatives.

The most important thing to consider, is price; Most of these websites either charge a flat monthly fee, which is usually between $10 and $20, or just charge you per course, but this is far more affordable than going to a private instructor for lessons, since even half a lesson will cost the same as an entire month on some of these sites.

As far as cost-efficiency goes, online courses can’t be beat.

One thing that you will probably miss out on is the one-on-one interaction with your teacher, which of course is a bad thing.

However, some sites do offer a couple one-on-one lessons with the monthly subscription, or at least let you record videos that you can send to your instructor for review, who will then give you personalized feedback.

Some other sites even let you purchase separate lessons over Skype, which of course com at a cost.

This will not be the same as the real interaction you get when taking in-person lessons, but it’s still a great way to learn.

Additionally, some of these sites even give you a Free Trial to test out the way the lessons work, while some others offer a money-back guarantee of up to one year (just one website, most of them give you 30 days to do this).

Other Useful Resources

I guess that everyone reading this is probably interested in making- and recording music at some point, and you will need software to be able to record and produce it.

Here I will list a couple articles I wrote about DAWs, both free & premium, as well as plugins that you can get to produce better music.


I know this is a much shorter post compared to the ones I usually write, but it’s only because it is a roundup post about other articles.

If you check out everything I linked to here, I assure you that you’ll get a lot of value out of the posts!

Have a wonderful day!