DC1A a Free Compressor by Klanghelm: Review!

If you like simple and effective compression plugins, look no further.

The DC1A is probably the simplest compressor out there, featuring only two controls; Input and Output.

It is, essentially, a stripped-down version of the DC8C, which is a premium compressor by Klanghelm, but with just two controls.

For being a compressor with just an input and output knob, it definitely works: gentle, faithful, from almost invisible, smooth leveling to heavy pumping with a nice crunchy saturation and punchy enough to treat drums with.

The input knob will boost the gain of the incoming signal and this basically determines how much compression will be applied.

After this simply use the Output knob to adjust the level of the resulting signal, and that’s it, the algorithm will do the rest.

Additonally, it comes with some extra features, like parallel compression and dual-mono processing, which lets you compress the left and right channels independently.

Just like all other Klanghelm plugins, you can click on the “OUT” or “GR” buttons under the metering section to view the compression that is being applied as well as the output level.

Contrary to what one would think, the DC1A is a compressor that is completely capable of handling bass-heavy audio thanks to the “DEEP” setting, since this engages a high-pass filter.

In addition to this, it features both RMS and Peak Compression control, which can be turned on with the “RELAXED” switch.

What I find so appealing about this compressor is that it lets you focus on how the audio sounds without the need of fiddling around with a dozen controls; just increase the Input and control the resulting Volume with the Output knob and that’s it!

This is why I believe that it’s probably the best compressor for beginners, since it just works and you don’t need to be an expert to get it to sound great!

I have used it on several occasions, and still do sometimes, and it definitely works on anything, be it drums, bass, vocals, guitar.

Now, you can download the DC1A for free at the Klanghelm Website, and it will work on all major DAWs, both on Windows and Mac OS.

The Plugin is a total of 11MB size and comes in VST, VST3, AU and AAX formats.

Related: Best Free Compressor VST/AU Plugins.